- Exchange your favorite white bread for whole grain bread. I know, that's a tough one, but there are whole grain white breads out there that taste almost exactly like the original white bread. This should add about 2 grams of fiber per slice of bread. If you eat a sandwich or a couple of pieces of toast for breakfast, that's 4 extra grams of fiber you could be getting.
- Switch out the white rice for brown rice. I know this can be heard to get used to, but topped with sauce you'll hardly notice the difference. And one cup of brown rice contains between 3-4 grams of fiber.
- Anytime you go to eat a cracker, make it a whole grain one. This simple change can add a couple more grams of fiber to your diet.
- Keep the peel on your fruits and vegetables. The peel is where a lot of the fiber and vitamins are found. On average, fruits and vegetables contain about 1-2 grams of fiber/serving. You are supposed to get 5 servings of fruits and veggies/day, so that adds up to about 7-8 grams of fiber.
- Make breakfast a whole grain event. Whether it's oatmeal, wheaties, shredded wheat, cheerios, etc. breakfast is a great time to pack a lot of fiber into one bowl.
- High fiber cereals and granola bars are another usually tasty option if you are in need of a fiber boost. These contain functional fiber, which is basically a fiber supplement in food form.
- If you are still running low on fiber, adding a little fiber supplement powder to your juice, smootie, or even water can give you the extra boost you need. But be careful not to take too much, because too much fiber can have it's negative effects as well.